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How to get the *.step files of the 3D models from an existing Altium library?

MarkusLanger , 06-06-2023, 12:34 PM
Hi guys,

I started Phil's new course and wanted to convert parts of his Altium library to Kicad. At least for the footprint and schematic symbols this works, but I haven't found a way how I can save or export the 3D-models (step-files) out of the Altium library. Can anyone help me with this?
qdrives , 06-06-2023, 03:23 PM
From the Altium PCB library editor: "Tools / Extract 3D models" does not work?
WhoKnewKnows , 06-06-2023, 12:53 PM
What's the disposition of the Altium library? If it's integrated, perhaps if you convert it back to individual sch and PCB lib files you'll have an easier time getting the 3d models out of the individual footprints?

I'm not familiar with the class you mentioned, but if all the same components are also already on a PCB design, another way would be to export the entire PCB 3d model, using default settings, as a STEP file. Then open the model in an app such as Fusion 360. Once displayed, you should be able to select/extract component models right off the PCBA model
MarkusLanger , 06-06-2023, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by WhoKnewKnows
If it's integrated, perhaps if you convert it back to individual sch and PCB lib files you'll have an easier time getting the 3d models out of the individual footprints?
I'm not so familiar with Altium. The libs are *.SchLib and *.PcbLib from here https://github.com/pms67/AltiumDesigner-Libraries

I dropped those elements I needed onto a schemativ in Altium, generated the PCB and imported both separately in Kicad. In Kicad I saved every symbol/footprint on its own in a library. However, it seems you don't get the 3D representations with this way. It should be possible somehow to just save the step-file I guess.

Originally posted by WhoKnewKnows
but if all the same components are also already on a PCB design, another way would be to export the entire PCB 3d model, using default settings, as a STEP file. Then open the model in an app such as Fusion 360. Once displayed, you should be able to select/extract component models right off the PCBA model
Ok, I could try this as a workaround and see if it works. But seems quite cumbersome.

qdrives , 06-06-2023, 03:23 PM
From the Altium PCB library editor: "Tools / Extract 3D models" does not work?
MarkusLanger , 06-06-2023, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by qdrives
From the Altium PCB library editor: "Tools / Extract 3D models" does not work?
Thanks, that worked.
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