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What is the use of curved traces?

colhany , 01-14-2022, 08:42 AM
What is the use of such round or curved traces? I've seen the option on EagleCAD a long time ago, but never really know their use. What is their advantage, and if they're good, why not use them with ALL PCB designs?
I haven't seen them before except maybe in SD cards and flex connectors.
qdrives , 01-14-2022, 05:20 PM
Curved traces seem the best for flex boards (I do not have experience with flex).
The main reason not to use then, is that is much harder to draw and more so to maintain. Although I have not tried it in the latest Altium.
For very high speed (>20Gbps) curved has additional advantages (perhaps you may even need it).
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